Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tender is the Night.

I've noticed book sellers coming up with a lot of creative incentives for choosing their book. Why buy the ebook when you can have a designed book jacket by Coralie Brickford-Smith? These are definitely worth getting and storing on your bookshelf until you can move it to your dream library with a ladder. (Am I the only one with that Beauty and the Beast dream?)

In other news, "Tender is the Night" is my most favorite book title/string of words. I have always loved it. My copy was tattered and very 1970s looking, nothing like the above beauties. And you know what, I don't think it survived enough moves to make it on my current bookcase. There you go, case in point. Spend a bit more money for the copy you want to keep forever.

found via design*sponge


Esther Diehl said...

I totally have about 13 Bricford-Smith designed books on my Goodreads Wishlist Shelf.

They are fantastic.

Katie Shields said...

Coralie Brickford-Smith is a trend I can get behind.