Monday, August 30, 2010

If you say you don't like TV you are a liar.

The opening of last night's Emmy Awards.

Tina Fey+ Jon Hamm + Joel McHale + cast of Glee + Tim Gunn = so so fun


Nina said...

oh my gosh. travis and i were just saying that we don't like TV anymore but now that I have read your post I feel so convicted. Am I lying to myself? Not trying hard enough? Can you be my TV coach? because whenever the remote is in my hand i just find myself watching teen mom marathons...i don't even know what channel Glee is on! help me. help us both!

Anonymous said...

As Ruthie's former TV coach, I fully endorse her ability to convince others to the merits of a good television watching session.

Tommy said...

That last comment was Tommy - BTW

Ruthie said...

That's funny, I totally thought "Anonymous" was Ann. Or even Natalie Chicas. Bone, you sound like Ann and Natalie.

And Nina, there is so much good tv to watch! I endorse Modern Family, Glee, 30 Rock and Mad Men. I believe the key is turning the tv on only when your show is on. I also believe in calling it "your show" and making it a ritual. (At this rate I will soon be addicted to spanish novellas and watch them all morning...)

Nina said...

oh my gosh Tommy - I thought you were Ann too. Except Ann would never hide behind an anonymous. (Ann are you reading any of this) RuthA send me a schedule, on Excel, of these shows. I will start tomorrow night. Tonight i am finishing Hunger Games so I can go to you and Peeta's party.

Nina said...

oh my gosh Tommy - I thought you were Ann too. Except Ann would never hide behind an anonymous. (Ann are you reading any of this) RuthA send me a schedule, on Excel, of these shows. I will start tomorrow night. Tonight i am finishing Hunger Games so I can go to you and Peeta's party.

Katie Shields said...

Last night, I chose the Hunger Games over the Emmy's. Tonight, I'm choosing Catching Fire over Too Fat for 15. It wasn't a hard choice.

Katie Shields said...

a nugget from the performance: